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GTGI is a Premier Value Added Reseller (VAR) and Independent Software Vendor (ISV) partner for the Rimage Corporation. As a result, GTGI offers a wide range of products and services and software not available anywhere else in the world.

  • Rimage Hardware – GTGI has sold every type of Rimage hardware for the past 20 years and knows each model and it’s capabilities inside and out.
  • GTGI Service and Support – GTGI offers a unique and comprehensive service and support program that includes installation and training of all systems, on-site service, as needed, Rimage Rapid Exchange service as well as per hour support, if necessary.
  • GTGI Software – GTGI offers a wide variety of Rimage related commercial off the shelf (COTS) software that has been developed expressly for the Rimage hardware platform to solve workflow issues and protect data.


Rimage Service and Support

Technical Support for Rimage Disc Systems

Technical Support for SecureDisc for Rimage

  • Call us at (703) 486-0500
  • Send an E-Mail to support@gtgi.com
  • If you are having issues producing or decrypting discs, please submit a SecureDisc Support Ticket here

Technical Support for GTGI Software


  • SecureDisc – Rimage Edition: Provides seamless integration with the Rimage production software suite (RSS) to secure the contents of any DVD or CD using a password. SDR makes it simple to integrate encryption into an existing workflow by automatically encrypting the image data for each disc as part of the automated production process. 
  • AutoDisc automatically produces discs from folders or a detailed XML file. Used with any Rimage Disc Publishing system, AutoDisc automatically burns the contents of a folder or set of folders to a CD or DVD when the directory’s contents reach a predetermined size, when a special “trigger” file is present, or when a detailed XML file is sent into its queue.
  • Digital Warehouse is a highly customizable product management, production, and delivery tool for content owners.
  • Global Workflow Automation Platform (in development) is an expandable production software platform that can perform an array of automated tasks, including controlling multiple output devices with high grade encryption and integration to third-party databases.